Eastcoin ICO
Eastcoin is the dedicated currency for the entire Aviation and Traveling✈️ related industries. The Currency that Takes Flight A dedicated currency for the global aviation and traveling-related economies. The Eastcoin gains in value every time it churns, providing an increase to every service player and individual who will use the money and platform. About Eastcoin East Coin is the dedicated currency for the entire Aviation and Traveling-related economies of the world. A currency, unlike most decentralized currencies, of no intrinsic value, the East Coin gains in value every time it churns, providing an increase to every service player and the individual who will use the currency for its designated purpose EAST Coin is the dedicated currency for the global aviation and travel-related economies . www.eastcoin.io Big Vision We envision an international global community where all the shareholders use the EAST currency for the fast, efficient, and effective payment of goods and services...